수내동 PT) 근육량을 늘리기 가장좋은 보충제는 무엇일까 ?(FT.크레아틴)

Milan Jim Sunae Branch, B1, Nuclear Power Plant Building 5, Naejang-ro 166beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of KoreaIt’s a great time to start exercising now that the cold weather is getting warmer, and not only exercise but nutrition is important! However, there are some nutrients that we can’t make up only for muscle enlargement. Today, I’m going to learn about supplements that the trainers around me also take! There are many supplements, but there are not many that are scientifically guaranteed efficacy and stability due to a lot of research, and among them, let’s look at creatine, the most effective and stable supplement in ISSN. Creatin EfficacyCreatine is not a known supplement to have many side effects, but it is usually hair loss, nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. There are people who have experienced these side effects after taking creatine, but it is not recognized as a general side effect because there are no clearly proven research results yet, but there are several experiences, so it is recommended to stop taking it if you experience side effects! And while a big problem is known to healthy people, I do not recommend it because it may worsen for those with kidney disease. If you think it is necessary, please do not decide it yourself, but consult your doctor before deciding! Now that we have looked into the effects and precautions, should we find out which creatine is good? How to choose creatine and how to consume itHello, I am Cho Hyun-joon, trainer of Su-na’s PT Milan Jim.There are many types of creatine, but there are still a lack of research results, so there are many that have not been verified for their effectiveness and safety! That’s why I recommend creatine monohydrate, which has been certified by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and the U.S. FDA! It’s my own creatine, which I’m currently consuming!

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