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It also has an international shipping fee list, and you can calculate the estimated cost in advance. You don’t have to worry about the cost because if you put in the information of the product you bought, it will calculate it on your own. It’s a place where you can use an agent for the lowest fee and shipping fee in Korea.As more and more people do overseas direct purchases, the number of overseas direct purchase agency sites has increased, and the number of purchasing agency delivery agencies has increased.If the direct purchase agency can’t speak Korea and consult with the translator, it’s frustrating, and it won’t be solved for a long time. So it’s important to deal with after-processing and counseling.If there is something wrong with the product after purchasing it in Korea, you can go and tell them in person, so they can process it as an exchange or refund. If you don’t know the language of the country, I can’t speak directly, and it’s even more difficult to find a direct product, so the delivery agency in the middle should speak well.Purchasing agent is a substitute for purchasing. Due to language problems, I use a fastball agent because I don’t have a means to pay, and I use it when I want to do it safely.The third part is about the inspection service. The inspection service is for the person in charge to open the package and compare the product with the order sheet when the product I want arrives at the local site. There are quite a few places where this service is not available. If the inspection service is received at the local site, even if there is a problem with the product, it can be handled locally, so it doesn’t have to go back and forth, so it can be solved quickly. So it would be good to check if I can apply for a service that can conduct an interim inspection when I arrive at the distribution center.There is a little additional fee, but I recommend that you apply for the inspection service if you want to do it safely.Hello! I’m Hime 🙂 I don’t think I do anything to buy what I want these days. I would have given up on products that are not in Korea before. These days, they get them through direct purchase.You won’t know where to use it because there are so many companies and agencies’ overseas purchasing agency sites. There are probably quite a few people who use the first place after searching because it’s bothersome to think about everything. You can’t just pick like this.KENZPOST – Japan Direct Purchase Agency Merukari Japan Amazon Rakuten Purchasing Agency Japan Direct Purchase Agency, Japan Direct Purchase, Auction Live Auction, Merukari, Rakuten, Japan Shopping, Shipping Agency Specialized in kenzpost.comYou can contact Kenspost by phone, but you can also contact the Kakao Talk channel. Since we operate a Korean customer center, we can consult quickly and communicate smoothly, so we can solve the problem without feeling stuffy.All expenses for return, exchange, repair, etc. due to damage or defect of the product can be compensated, and even if it is not received at the site within 25 days of payment.Considering the five criteria above, I think we can find a place that is satisfactory when we use it.The second one is about how to use it. Of course, you should be able to use it conveniently if you use an overseas purchasing agency site. It will be cumbersome and take a long time because it has to be translated directly into a translator because the translation is not done properly, the payment method is set in one type, or if it comes out only at the price in the country, you have to search for the exchange rate. I think it will be convenient to use a place that automatically translates, has a variety of payment methods, and displays the price on its own.I think it’s okay to explain the 4th and 5th together. When there is a problem with the product, it’s about how to deal with it and quick consultation with the customer center. Even if there is a problem with the product, there are cases where they say ‘I don’t know’ because they sent the product, and there are cases where they say they know, but they don’t take care of it even after a while.So today, I posted a post under the theme of ‘the criteria for selecting overseas direct purchase agency site companies’.Now, do you understand why we need to carefully examine and check before using an agency? There are so many things to consider that it can cause a headache.Then, which shipping agency should I use to make direct overseas purchases?And Ken’s Post also operates its own safety insurance. Safety insurance is a service to prepare for accidents such as damage and loss during delivery, and intentional fraud by sellers.When you want to use a shopping mall that doesn’t ship internationally, you can ship internationally, but when it’s slow or expensive, when you want to ship something you buy from another shopping mall at once, or when you want to receive it safely.If you roughly choose, the fee or shipping fee may be higher than the product price, and if the product is damaged, there may be cases where post-processing may not be done properly.I think there are some people who want to buy directly from Japan, so I’ll tell you a good purchasing agency/delivery agency in Japan. It meets the criteria mentioned above.The first one is about the cost. Since we use a direct purchase agency, we can’t help but pay a fee, but some companies demand an outrageous fee. To avoid such a company, it’s better to make sure that the standards for the fee and shipping cost are clearly guided. It’s better if it’s not a place that says ‘charge the fee’, but how much detail it is.When purchasing expensive items, it would be better to apply for safety insurance services for items such as glass products or figures that are prone to damage.There are some questions while using the overseas purchasing agency site, and there may be problems in the middle.It’s called the Ken’s Post. If you go to the website, you can see the information about the fee.There’s also a delivery agency. It literally delivers on behalf of you.There are many different payment methods, so you can choose a convenient one. If you log in, find the product, and pay, it’s over, so you can buy it quickly and easily.It is detailed, such as the fee according to the membership level and the fee added when using the service.I paid in the worst case, but the product may not be delivered. In order not to face these situations, it’s best to consider them as carefully as possible, even if it’s cumbersome. There are instructions on the fee and delivery fee, whether you can get a simple prosecutor’s service, how to handle it when there is a problem with the product, how to consult with the customer center quicklyI also recommended a Japanese direct purchase site. In addition to what I explained, there are various services, so it would be good to go to the website and refer to it. The agency that suits you, use the site to conveniently buy direct purchases!You can use it like the online shopping mall we usually use. The homepage menu, product name, and product description are all in Korean, so it’s easy to use because you can search for products in Korean.Fees and delivery costs are low, the usage is simple, and you can get inspection services.

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